Monday, July 18, 2011

My Top 35 Songs Ever - Ali Z Ahmed

I just love Music, I know tons of musicans and songs and i decided to arrange them into a list, being cut from thousands to hundreds to 100 to 70 to 50 to 40 and now these are my top 35 songs of all time. They are in order and I hope you like it, since I love these songs and just thought I should write these songs somewhere, so I thought why not here? These songs are my choice and style of music and I decided this list using

1) Theme 2) Lyrics 3) Music Composition 4) Singer's Capibility to bring himself into the song  5) and Just pure Kick-ass awesomeness......

Also These songs are not the best because they have the loudest music or the have the most memorable tune or the most complicated music, These are my top songs beacuse of my opinion of them and I don't expect them to be the greatest ever, but as just another song and as my choice and style of Music.


TOP 35

35) You Don't Know My Mind - Hugh Laurie

34) Said It All - Take That

33) Look After You - The Fray

32) Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon and Garfunkel

31) A Bad Dream - Keane

30) Set Fire To The Rain - Adele

29) Bang Bang - Nancy Sinatra

28) Wonderwall - Ryan Adams

27) Love Is Noise - The Verve

26) Smiley Faces - Gnarls Barkley

25) The Trapeze Swinger - Iron and Wine

24) I Just Want You - Ozzy Osbourne

23) Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan

22) One is The Lonliest Number - Three Dog Night

21) Feel - Robbie Williams

TOP 20

20) Time To Pretend - Mgmt

19) The Peices Don't Fit Anymore - James Morrison

18) Alright - Pilot Speed

17) Whatever - Oasis

16) The Show Must Go On - Queen

15) You Were Always On My Mind - Elvis Presley

14) Gimme Shelter - The Rolling Stones

13) Still - Tim McGraw

12) Good Days - Joe Purdy

11) Hey Jude - The Beatles

TOP 10

10) Falling Slowly - The Frames

9) Bed of Roses - Bon Jovi

8) Stranger In A Strange Land - Leon Russel

7) Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad - Meatloaf

6) Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance

5) Swallowed In The Sea - Coldplay

4) I(Who Have Nothing) - Tom Jones

3) She's Gone Steelheart

2) Moment of Surrender - U2

1) Stand By Me - Oasis